Everyone seems to be Ditching the Headphone Jack

iphone no headphoneLast year there was a lot of fuss because iPhone decided to ditch the headphone jack and I’m personally still peeved about it even though I don’t even own an iPhone. But now it seems like the next version of the Google Pixel will also dispose of the Headphone Jack!

This is bad and dumb. Not because eventually, headphone jacks will be irrelevant. Of course, they will at some point become painfully irrelevant. But there are two good reasons to keep it.

Why the Headphone Jack should stay

pixel no headphone jackWired Headphones – The best way to get high-fidelity audio is with wired headphones. Wireless headphones just simply are not there yet to demand large-market adaptation.

Processing Payments – This is the most crucial moment. The real reason people are ditching the headphone jack is that the mobile payment options.
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Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay and all the mobile apps turn your phone into a card that can be read by a card reader. But if you have a card reader that is attached to a device, you are losing the ability to use card readers such as Swipe, Square, and Paypal scanner.

Yeah, that’s It

I’m bothered by the fact that they are using hardware obsolescence as an excuse to curb the market in their favor. If you’re like me, then you will think this is bad business practices. By limiting the options, you are forcing a market into a position they may not want to be in.

FabTech loves technology and the various innovations that are going on at the moment. But when it comes to the headphone jack, just let us keep our headphone jack. Several businesses aren’t ready to transfer, and most people I know aren’t ready to shell out $50 for airports.